New Approach
Training to Grow Inner Power
Joongshim Meditation
Do we close your eyes in meditation?

You can meditate with your eyes open.

Nobody can notice
I am meditating
in the meeting.
Nobody can notice
I am meditating
while walking together.
Nobody can notice
I am meditating
in conversation.
Nobody can notice
I am meditating
during meals together.
Everyone has
his own attractiveness.
Your ego hides your attractiveness.
And the ego eats your fear and anxiety.
As the ego lose its power, the beauty of your existence unveils.
The meditation helps you
find your own attractiveness.
You can control your ego and find yourself with this practice.
You feel calm and fulfilled at any time and balance yourself in any situation.
Inner Training to strengthen
your conciousness in life

Joongshim Meditation

You can be grounded and be yourself
regardless of any situation.

Review of Joongshim Meditation Effect

Stronger Mental Power
Interestingly, I found the I am not stressed by my boss any more than before, and able to communciate my opinion.

And also I got more supporters."“I was a lot stressed by my seniors in company, and tried joongshim meditation to get out of the situation.
Improved Productivity
“When I do joongshim meditation in life, I can focus on the current present moments in natural way.
In this moment, I can focus what I am doing.

As I get accustomed to this feeling, I become free of anxiety. And in return, I can naturally enjoy the process and good return of my work.
Decreased Anxiety
“Is there an end to this tunnel? I have endured everyday with that thought.

After I I came across this meditation, I finally could get out of the dark tunnel. How can I explain this peaceful and full feeling?"
Decreased Depression
“I felt very hard in living even though I've been working hard to meet social standards. I only thought that others would have this hard time, but the depression test found out that I was depressed.

As I did the joonogshim meditation, my thoughts naturally decreased and my emotions became lighter. Everything feels comfortable now. I think I was supposed to live like this"
Strengthen your Consciousness
and Understand the Principles of the world.
"Some people succeed with the power of mind, others have a hard time mentally swayed by mind system againt their will. In order to use my mind well for the life you want, you need to strengthen the power ofconsciousness and inner selfbe free from mind system.

Joongshim meditation naturally develops the power of consciousness in the process of controlling energy. And it's an innovative meditation method where you can experience energy principles with your body and understand the principles of moving the world and life. I hope you can use this meditation to become the true owner of your life and mind."
CEO, Joongshim Company